Design – Sets that scare! – Allen Hopps

Cost - $50 - Saturday June 9th @ 9am Allen Shows his take on how to design and furnish sets...

Intro to Airbrushing for the Beginner – Nix Herrera

Cost $100.  1pm - 4pm  Spend the afternoon with Nix Herrera, one of the most talented airbrush artists in the...

Makeup To Die For with Bobbie Weiner aka Bloody Mary

Cost $75 for two people!  9am - 12pm Bloody Mary’s Mummified Zombie This is the newest character from Bloody Mary’s...

Special Effects Makeup with Brian and Nick Wolfe

Cost $200 - All day class - Includes lunch    8:30 am - 4 pm Join Nick and Brian Wolfe...

Is my product secure?

MHC provides overnight security when the show floor is closed.  After the show floor is secured by the show organizers...

What is included with my booth?

Each 10' x 10' booth is piped and draped in black.  They include one 6' skirted table, two chairs, waste...

What about outgoing shipments?

All product needs to be out of the exhibit hall by midnight on Sunday.  If you need to ship your...

What are the load in and load out times?

Load in begins at 1:00 pm on the Thursday before the show.  The loading docks will be open until 10...

What are the show hours?

The tradeshow is open Saturday from 9 am until 5:30 pm and Sunday from 10 am until 4 pm.

How do I get my product to MHC?

In order to keep the cost of exhibiting at MHC as low as possible we do not have access to...