Company Overview and History
THE MIDWEST HAUNTERS CONVENTION (MHC) is the largest Halloween show of its kind in the US serving a primary audience of Haunted Attraction Producers, Actors, Artists and Home Haunters. The MHC serves haunt industry professionals’ needs as well as those of home and backyard haunters and Halloween enthusiasts by providing shopping, entertainment, education and tours for US-based and international attendees. It also enables local and regional businesses and residents to participate in the exciting, unusual and affordable opportunities offered.
MHC was started as a small outdoor event in 2004 by four people involved in a Columbus, Ohio haunted attraction. They saw the need to bring together all people involved in the haunted attraction industry together for learning and trade. The goal was to accomplish this while maintaining a fun and social atmosphere. The popular format has contributed to MHC growing to become the largest convention serving the professional and recreational haunt community.